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Women's Health Blog

The top 5 questions our patients ask

Help! I might be pregnant…now what?  Top 5 questions our patients ask There is no worse fear than that of the unknown. When you think you might be pregnant, you’re really just looking for some clear guidance on what to do next. Women’s Health Specialists is not only...

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Pregnancy 35+ with Dr. Meyer

If you are 35 years old or older and are worried about how that might affect your pregnancy, don't worry, we are here for you! In this video, our very own Dr. Meyer shares what you can expect during pregnancy age 35 and older.   [video width="1920" height="1080"...

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Video: Remembering 50 years with Helen Lotzer

In honor of our 50th anniversary, we interviewed Helen Lotzer who worked for Women’s Health Specialists for the past 5 decades. It was incredible to hear her memories of working here and all of the changes she saw. Take a moment to watch her video below. It was an...

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Focus Fox Valley with Dr. Jill Honkamp

Dr. Jill Honkamp had the pleasure of speaking with Hayley Tenpas, host of Focus Fox Valley, on WHBY radio. In case you missed the interview live, you can listen via the link below. "I am an OBGYN. I have wanted to be an OBGYN since high school. In the valley, we have...

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Who’s who in our latest marketing campaign?

Who’s who in our latest marketing campaign?

We asked for photos of your adorable babies and we are happy to finally show the finished product! If your baby’s face did not make it this time around, don’t worry, there will be more ads in the near future. Appleton Monthly magazine - November Appleton Monthly...

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