by Dr. Jeffery Cherney As a dad, it can be intimidating and overwhelming seeing your little girl grow up into a young woman. Families today look different than they used to and whether mom is able to help your daughter through these changes or not, you should be...
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Women's Health Blog
Happy Father’s Day!
Dads -- they support us and love us unconditionally. Although we work with women every day, we love seeing men support the women in their lives and we love seeing men become dads in the delivery room. Happy Father’s Day weekend from Dr. O'Leary, Dr. Cherney and all of...
Thank You, Nurses!
The nurses at Women's Health Specialists are truly special people. Their dedication to patients is remarkable and we couldn't do our jobs without them. Please join us in wishing our beloved nurse teams a happy nurses' day, part of National Nurses' Week! [video...
Knowing the Symptoms of Menopause and When to Call Your Doctor
It's not something most women look forward to, but it's a part of life, menopause. It can cause many different changes in a woman and it's important to know what is normal and when it's time to check in with your doctor. Our very own Dr. Pfaffenbach explains what you...
Understanding Perinatal Mood Disorders
By Dr. Julie Meyer, DO After nine months of waiting, you welcomed your beautiful baby into the world, but you aren’t quite feeling as joyful as you imagined. Instead you are tired, tearful and maybe even resentful, which makes you feel a pang of guilt. It is...
Veterans and medicine: a winning combination
Becoming a physician requires many things: determination, attention to detail, a strong work ethic and intelligence, just to name a few. Fortunately, all of our physicians at Women’s Health Specialists have all of these traits, but there are two people we’d like to...
Doctor-Nurse Teams Set OB/GYN Practice Apart From Others
Building long-lasting relationships with patients is a top priority for each of the physicians at Women’s Health Specialists, and our doctor-nurse teams play a big role in fulfilling that priority. “One of the best parts of being an OB/GYN physician in the Fox Valley...
Gestational Diabetes Test and Treatment
“Between 24 and 28 weeks of your pregnancy you’ll be tested for gestational diabetes, which is a high blood sugar condition that a woman might develop during pregnancy,” says Dr. Tina Ramsey, an OB/GYN physician with Women’s Health Specialists. “Although, if you’re...
A Look At The Dads In The Delivery Room
As an OB/GYN practice in the Fox Valley, we focus so heavily on women’s care topics and pregnancies, so with Father’s Day coming up we thought it’d be fun to take a look at the other person who is frequently in the delivery room – the father. “I know exactly how...
Patient Privacy Services
Our pledge to protect your privacy Women's Health Specialists values and is committed to protecting the privacy of health information we create or receive about you. Health information that identifies you ("protected health information," or "health information")...