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Women's Health Blog

121 Days in the NICU Through Grandma’s Eyes

121 Days in the NICU Through Grandma’s Eyes

Claire Charlotte Caflisch was born June 1, 2019 via emergency C-Section to parents Wade and Genna Caflisch. Claire is a Micro-preemie, born at just 24 weeks 5 days and weighing 1 lb. 15 ounces. My daughter Genna had a condition known as placental abruption. This means...

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What you need to know about Ovarian Cancer

What you need to know about Ovarian Cancer

By Jeffery Cherney, MD – Obstetrician/Gynecologist One of the most devastating diagnoses for women is ovarian cancer, a disease that affects the female reproductive organs. This disease can strike at any age, but is most commonly identified in women 50 or older....

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What You Need to Know About Urinary Tract Infections

By Connie Masak Urinary Tract Infections (UTI) are a common problem for women and can cause significant discomfort, if not treated properly. In fact, during reproductive years, women are 50 times more likely to have a UTI. Fortunately, the expert team at Women’s...

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The top 5 questions our patients ask

Help! I might be pregnant…now what?  Top 5 questions our patients ask There is no worse fear than that of the unknown. When you think you might be pregnant, you’re really just looking for some clear guidance on what to do next. Women’s Health Specialists is not only...

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