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Women's Health Blog

Herpes Simplex – STD Awareness Month

Herpes Simplex – STD Awareness Month

By: Connie Masak, APNP The initial outbreak of Herpes: • Symptoms of the initial outbreak are usually the most severe • Outbreaks become milder after the body has produced antibodies. After several years a person may experience fewer outbreaks or no outbreaks at all •...

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Syphillis – STD Awareness Month

Syphillis – STD Awareness Month

By: Connie Masak, APNP Syphilis is an infection that is sexually transmitted. If untreated Syphilis can lead to cardiovascular complications, neurologic complications, and ulcerative lesions. Symptoms: Initial symptoms develop 2- 3 weeks after contact • Non-painful...

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How to Ease Anxiety During Pregnancy & Beyond

How to Ease Anxiety During Pregnancy & Beyond

by Dr. Julie Meyer Pregnancy can be an exciting, yet overwhelming time. It is not uncommon for anxiety to accompany pregnancy and often peaks in the third trimester or after delivery. With anxiety, you may experience feelings such as nervousness, excessive worrying,...

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Dr. Kennedy’s Last Day

Dr. Kennedy’s Last Day

Dear Patients, I am writing to inform you that I will be relocating with my family to Florida and my last day with Women’s Health Specialists will be Friday, March 3, 2023. I began my practice with Women’s Health Specialists in 2016 and it has been an honor and...

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Partner’s Guide to Pregnancy

Partner’s Guide to Pregnancy

Becoming a new parent can be an exciting time, but it can also cause a lot of worries. When you find out your partner is pregnant, sometimes it requires big lifestyle changes. While you may not be the one having the baby, there are plenty of ways that you can be...

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Feeling Stressed for the Holidays?

Feeling Stressed for the Holidays?

Here are some tips from us at Women’s Health Specialists: The big stressors that come from the holidays are money and time. The holidays can be especially expensive. Making a budget prior to any shopping can help ease the stress of spending too much. Yes, gifts are...

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Twins At 25 Weeks

Twins At 25 Weeks

“When we knew the twins were going to be born, all I could think about were the numerous complications that could occur, if they survived, which wasn't even a sure thing,” shared Dr. Amy Schmidt of Women’s Health Specialists when she learned her premature twins were...

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Going Into Labor At 35 Weeks Pregnant

Going Into Labor At 35 Weeks Pregnant

The March of Dimes organization defines premature as "preterm labor is labor that starts too early, before 37 weeks of pregnancy."  With November being Prematurity Awareness Month, we thought it would be helpful to share patient stories of their premature birth...

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Exercising While Pregnant

Exercising While Pregnant

By Amy Schmidt, MD - Obstetrician/Gynecologist Exercise is an important component of a healthy lifestyle. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and The American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists recommend at least 30 minutes of moderate-intensity...

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